Open for Business!

We are very excited to announce that we passed a major milestone this week.  After conducting a very successful beta program, we have decided to open up Full Slate to the rest of the world.  Now any service provider looking to offer online appointment scheduling can take advantage of our robust, web-based service.

Start Now

Once again, we’d like to thank our awesome beta customers for working closely with us over the last few months.  We’ve learned a bunch and have made a number of enhancements to the product based on their feedback.  We could not have done it without them.

We want to make it as easy as possible for service providers to embrace online scheduling.  New customers may take advantage of our free trial; we’ll waive the monthly fee until at least 10 clients book appointments with you online.  It is quick and easy to get set-up – just click the ‘Try Now’ tab from our homepage.

Please try it out.  And, as always, we’d love to hear what you think.


Thank you, beta customers!

This is a test...
This is a (beta) test...

As we near the end of our private beta program, we wanted to say to our beta customers “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

The private beta was exceedingly valuable to us…but, first, a little background. After working on our product since earlier in the year, we kicked off the private beta in early November. Our objectives were simple: to obtain candid feedback from real, live local service providers on the features, usability and design of the product and to identify any bugs that may have slipped through our own testing.

But most importantly: we deliberately limited the number of beta customers in the program; we only looked for volunteers right here in Seattle; and we immediately addressed customer requests and then followed-up with them to ensure we had in fact met their needs.

As a result, we worked with our beta customers one-on-one and face-to-face. In most cases, we visited them at their business location and watched over their shoulders as they worked with Full Slate while meeting the continuous demands of their business. (On one occasion, I remained loyally at my beta customer’s side, valiantly fighting the urge to pet a curious shitzu watching us from a nearby grooming table!) The feedback each of our beta customers provided was invaluable.

We plan to end the private beta program within the next few weeks and launch Full Slate to everyone. So again, many thanks to our private beta customers…Full Slate is better because of you!