Skip to a Future Date on Mobile

It’s now easy to skip to a future date on your schedule when using Full Slate on your mobile phone. If you have a busy schedule, you no longer need to scroll endlessly to get to the date you need, saving time and ensuring accuracy.

To skip forward, click on the ‘calendar’ icon in the top left of the ‘Schedule’ tab.


This will open up a date selector, where you can choose the specific date to which you want to jump. Even better: at the end of a session, if your client wants to schedule their next appointment four weeks out, just click the number “4” to jump to four weeks from today on your schedule. No need to count with your fingers and toes; with a single click, you can be confident you’re on the week you want.

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Please note the ‘Show Availabilities’ setting has been moved to the top right of the ‘Schedule’ tab, next to the ‘Add Appointment’ button.

This is the first of a series of improvements you can expect to our mobile optimized site – more to come!

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