New and Improved Alerts

New appointment alerts just got a lot better! You asked for changes in your email and text message alerts, so here you go.

Accept Appointments Directly from the Email Alert

Email alerts are a whole lot more useful now! First of all, you can ‘accept’ a new appointment just by clicking a link in the email. No need to log into your Full Slate account any more. This can be particularly useful if you access email on your mobile phone.

Moreover, the subject line of the email now contains key information about your new appointment, including the client’s name and date and time of the appointment. The body of the email is also formatted better so you can find the details in a glance.

No Time Limit on Text Message Alerts

Previously, you could only receive new appointment alerts via text message if the appointment occurred within the next two weeks. Now you can receive new appointment alerts on your mobile phone regardless of when the appointment takes place.

Be Alerted when Other Staff Members Schedule for You

Do other staff members sometimes schedule appointments on your behalf? You can now be alerted via email and text message when your colleagues book an appointment on your schedule.