Email Reminders to Clients Reduce No-Shows

Here’s a short quiz:

Question 1:  How often, on average, do clients not show for an appointment?

a: 1 in 1000

b: 1 in 100

c. 1 in 10

Question 2:  How much can email reminders reduce no-shows?

a. 15%

b. 25%

c. 35%

A few years ago, a couple of smart MD’s studied the effectiveness of email reminders in reducing no-shows. What did they find? Email reminders reduced the client no-show rate from 9.7% to 6.3%, a reduction of 35%! So, if you happen to be following along, the answers to the questions above are both “c”.

Client RemindersThis paragraph from the study is particularly direct: “Although previous studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of patient reminders in the form of telephone calls and mailed postcards, these interventions are often resource intensive and expensive. Furthermore, postcard reminders have a lag time for delivery and are associated with a possibility of delay or even failed delivery.”

And the study ended with “In conclusion, this study demonstrates that e-mail reminders significantly reduced patient nonattendance rates…”

Email reminders work to reduce no-shows and increase your revenues. Using Full Slate, you can automatically send up to two email reminders for every appointment. Be sure to take advantage of this valuable feature.